June 30, 2023
Mental Health

Client Profile:

In my experience, the clients that have made the greatest strides towards their goals come to me when they were:

  • Ready for a change. These clients were tired of trying to meet the expectations of everyone else and were finally ready to start listening to themselves. 
  • Ready to put in the hard work. I didn’t find or earn anyone their new job. All of the clients that have had success put in a lot of work and dedication.
  • Ready to take on responsibility for their past choices and future action. One of the best ways to avoid making the same mistakes is to take an honest inventory of what is working and what isn’t. 


Key Elements of Success:

Serenity in the midst of uncertainty

This is a key first step. It allowed for the client to take a beat, reflect, and actually understand what is and isn’t working for them. All of my clients have felt initial pressure to doom scroll job sites because it helps them feel like they are doing something. This is useful energy, but I helped clients learn how to direct this energy into efficient and positive momentum in the most aligned direction.  

When we have taken a step back, the clients that I have worked with are able to see the big picture. This is important because by doing this, my client’s have felt less immediate pressure to just pick the next thing that comes along, and they have become more decisive and confident in their next steps forward. Essentially they are being more present in their life. 


Manifesting their job

By talking through what clients want out of their next position, we were able to unlock a new perspective on the situation. See, the clients were then able to look at the job search in a totally different way, taking the blinders off and capturing the opportunity that was right there. Once they could see themselves in the role they were able to achieve it.

This strategy encourages networking and community and opens possibilities.

Most of these clients were only able to see themselves in one career because that was all they had known. By using transferable skills the client was able to see themselves as capable in many different career environments. 


Understanding their values

Through coaching, clients were able to understand that values have more to do with happiness and satisfaction at work than they imagined. Clients were able to discern where to categorize their values, finding fulfillment in many areas of their life. 

The clients have found a deeper connection to self, trust in themselves, and confidence in their decision. This brought about patience and not settling, ultimately, feeling comfortable in the unknown. 



80% of my clients have successfully transitioned through a career shift, finding more fulfillment, better boundaries, or the inspiration that they needed to start a personal project or side hustle. 




Life coaching can help you meet your goals and navigate life transitions with less stress.

You can work with our certified life coaches in person at The Happy Hour studio, or virtually from anywhere in the world.