Reclaiming the “New School Year” Feeling as an Adult

It’s that time of year, school has returned. As I look around and see parents and children start to prepare to go back, it makes me nostalgic for that experience. Remember the excitement of a new school year? The thrill of a fresh start, the promise of new opportunities, the joy of recommitting to goals, and the simple pleasure of new clothes? As adults, our lives often follow a continuous rhythm without those clear markers for renewal. However, it’s entirely possible to recreate that invigorating “new school year” feeling. Here’s how:


1. Embrace the Power of a Fresh Start

Even though we don’t get a structured “new year” like in school, we can create our own fresh starts. Pick a day, month, or new quarter to take a step back, evaluate your goals, and set new intentions. This could be the perfect time to start a new project, pick up a new hobby, or even make a career shift. By regularly giving yourself permission to start anew, you create that same sense of anticipation and possibility.


2. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

As kids, we had clear goals for the school year—getting good grades, making new friends, or participating in an extracurricular activity. As adults, our goals can sometimes become vague. To reignite that sense of achievement, set specific, measurable goals for yourself. Whether it’s learning a new skill, improving your fitness, or doing something outside your comfort zone, having clear objectives gives you something exciting to work toward. 


3. Refresh Your Environment

Remember how a new backpack or school supplies made you feel ready to tackle the year? You can do the same now by refreshing your environment. Whether it’s redecorating your workspace, reorganizing your home, or treating yourself to a new outfit, changing your surroundings can have a powerful psychological impact. This small act can make you feel renewed and ready for new challenges.


4. Invest in Self-Development

Just as the school year was a time for learning and growth, make personal development a priority in your adult life. Sign up for a course, attend a workshop, or dive into a book on a topic that interests you. The act of learning something new can reignite that sense of curiosity and excitement that comes with the start of a new school year. Remember it’s never too late to learn something new!


5. Create a New Routine

The structure of a school day gave a sense of order and accomplishment. As adults, our routines can become monotonous. Shake things up by creating a new daily or weekly routine that incorporates activities you’re passionate about. Whether it’s a morning meditation, a weekly creative session, or regular outdoor activities, a new routine can bring that sense of excitement back into your life.


6. Celebrate Your Progress

In school, we had report cards and awards to mark our achievements. As adults, it’s easy to forget to celebrate our successes. Make it a habit to acknowledge your progress regularly. This could be as simple as writing down what you’re proud of each week or treating yourself after reaching a milestone. Celebrating your achievements keeps you motivated and reminds you of how far you’ve come.


7. Revisit Your Childhood Passions

Finally, reconnect with what excited you as a child. Was it art, sports, writing, exploring the outdoors, or just simply getting lost in play? Revisiting these passions can evoke that youthful joy and enthusiasm. Integrating these activities into your adult life can make every day feel like a new adventure.


While we may not have the built-in marker of a new school year, we can still cultivate that fresh start feeling as adults. By setting goals, refreshing our environment, and investing in self-development, we can bring back the eagerness and possibilities that came with a new school year. Remember, there’s always an opportunity to start anew, grow, and celebrate your journey.





If you’re looking for support and guidance as you navigate your “new school year”, or any other life transitions, Erin Kaminski, CHC can help you set goals, and provide you with the tools you need to thrive in your next chapter.

Book coaching with Erin here.